Preparations for Auditions, at all musical levels

Virtually all musicians have to take auditions to gain qualify and to advance to higher ensembles. Horn students must learn to gain high level skills in taking auditions at every age level in order to become successful. Jim has developed a comprehensive program of study that focuses on all aspects of audition preparation, including specific technical and musical skills, as well as sight reading. Equally importantly is the issue of coping with nervousness and stage fright. Jim has developed proven techniques for students to ease their nervousness and play to their best ability even under challenging circumstances.

Jim’s students have consistently had great success in their auditions, gaining top chairs at every level, from Junior and Senior High School District auditions, to All-State, BYSO and NEC Youth Orchestras. His students have gained admission to prominent music festivals, including Aspen, Brevard, BUTI at Tanglewood, and Saarburg, Germany. Many of Jim’s students of have gone on to continue playing horn in college, and he has guided them in preparing music portfolios to be included in their admission package. His students have gained admission to universities including Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Yale, McGill, Penn and Princeton among others.

Please contact Jim to learn more about his Audition Preparation curriculum.